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26 Years 1999 - 2025

The fully bespoke, custom designed, Pay-As-You-Go Website

It isn't that long before the scattergun approach to marketing that you may have started is no longer working.

Often your business has matured, spending time understanding the market. You've learned which products and services are your driving force. You know exactly who you need to tell. Your early off-the-shelf-theme website solution is no longer fit for purpose.

Have you recognised the need for a website that's actually working for you? One that looks great, appealing directly to your target market? One that places you as ‘stand out’ rather than being ‘more of the same’?

Our bespoke websites are designed from the ground up. We get to know your business, what you're selling and who you're selling to. We craft a site that appeals to your potential customers and drives them straight to you. There’s not a pre-built template in sight. We don’t shoehorn your needs into something pre-defined; we design specifically for them.

It's the same with the code. Nothing predefined – everything can be custom-coded. Blogs, team pages, directories, specific content types – we build to your needs. That way, when you're managing the day-to-day within your site, you have the tools custom-built for you to put content out there exactly as you want.

And, because we understand that many businesses hang on to the old because the two, three, four grand they expect to pay for a bespoke website simply isn’t in budget, we work a different way. Your bespoke website is charged with a deposit of £180.00 then a easy monthly fee of £75.00.

So, get in contact to find out more, or take a look at the FAQs below to learn more about how this works.

bespoke payg website from Pearson Treehouse
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We got not only a great-looking site, but one that does so much more than ‘off the shelf’, tailored to our specific requirements.

Frequently asked questions

How do you do a bespoke website at these prices?

We often get asked this!  The simple answer? Experience.  We’ve been doing this for a very long time, allowing us to work at a greater speed than other less experienced developers. And, over a while, your monthly fees cover all the work we have front-loaded into your site. 

Of course, we take the time to analyse the businesses that come to us, making sure that they are as right for us as we are for them.  The best thing to do is get in contact to have a chat to see the best way forward.  We don't always think a business is right or ready for us and in that case, we'll be honest and help them find an alternative solution.  

Is there a minimum contract?

Yes and no.  You can close the website any time, but if you do that before the first 24 months you need to pay the balance to cover those 24 months.  That’s what you agree to when you place and order and sign our Ts and Cs.  Of course, there is huge advantage in staying with us – after those 24 months, at any point you can get your website completely redesigned and built, without any extra costs over and above the monthly fee you already pay. 

Can I edit my own site?

Yes!  All sites we build are driven by CMS Made Simple, a robust content management system that powers you to change your pages, add news and blogs, maintain a team directory and do anything else you need to do.  You can run the day-to-day content of your site as you need, logging in through a simple admin system. 

As you’d expect, full training is included as part of the package, with ‘how to’ videos available directly from within admin.  And of course, John is always available on the phone to answer your ‘how do I do this’ queries, or even do them with you!

Is there additional website hosting to pay?

No – it’s all wrapped up in your monthly fee.

Not only that your hosting includes software updates to the system that drives your website when we deem it necessary, plus nightly backups.  So if you break something, accidentally delete something or have challenges with a hack, we will always be able to restore you to a previous pre-problem copy. 

What happens if I need extra website work during the contract?

We work on a simple policy - if creating an invoice takes longer than what you need - we don't!  So all those little things; picking up the phone for some off the cuff 'how to' help; making changes to pages, blogs and other content; even tweaking small content functions such as adding in an editable 'meet the team' will most likely be no extra.

If you need something more complex, we'll analyse the requirements and then let you know what that would cost.  You can decide whether you want to go ahead, and if needed we can talk about spreading those costs too.  Your website can grow with you as needed without breaking the bank.

What about if I need a complete redesign/overhaul of my site?

Sure.  Even the most cutting-edge sites have a shelf life.  Anytime after 24 months you can get a complete new website, built from the ground up just like the first one, at no additional cost over your monthly payments.  When you do that it will 'restart the clock' on your minimum contract period.  There is no reason, if you have a rapidly evolving business that needs to rebrand and rebuild frequently that you couldn't have you site redone every two years. 

Ok – I am interested – what’s the site development process?

The website marketing blueprint:  John will discuss in detail with you your target audience, the ways you are looking to get them to the site, the products and services you are selling, which of your products and services are your ‘entry-level’ for new customers and much more.

Design:  Once the website marketing blueprint has been ironed out, John will go into action designing.  About two weeks after that you’ll be presented with your first visual.  We don’t do the classic ‘choose from three’ visuals trick as that tends to make a client think they have to make that limited choice rather than being able to give a full opinion.  We present one visual at a time and discuss it with you, making sure that when you are delighted it’s because you’ve really examined the design you are delighted with.

Build: From the point of design approval, coding takes between 2 and 4 weeks depending on complexity and custom functionality.  Your new site is built on a development address that you can see.  So you can review the site at every stage of the build. 

Content: Content is to a certain extent simultaneous with build.  If we have access to the content you are using, we’ll add it as we go.  Often, there’ll be a need for new content, identified during the website marketing blueprint stage.  We’ll work with you on that, either helping directly or advising you on some options with copywriters we trust.  And of course, as you have a content-managed website, you can go in and add/amend your content whenever you want.

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It's so important that the person working on your website gets you and really understands what you're trying to achieve, and I'm so grateful that John is that guy.
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Some PAYG sites we made earlier

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John is probably one of the easiest people to work with and nothing is too much hassle.
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